Don’t forget the bathroom

The family and I recently took a trip to Disneyland. We decided to drive the 12 hours to Disneyland. With three kids under the age of 8, you know that we took frequent bathroom breaks (and sanity breaks). I would guess on our trip we must have visited over 30 different bathrooms from gas stations, to department stores to the bathrooms in Disneyland itself.

We saw some scary bathrooms that seemed to be a breeding ground for unknown substances (and trust me, it is better that these substances remain unknown) and others that were very clean.

It may not surprise most women when I say that this trip (like most of our past trips) was centered on bathrooms. The bathroom decided where we stopped to eat; the places where we would pick up the necessary supplies; and our general trip schedule. The bathroom was king, plain and simple.

Keep in mind these wise words:

“It’s the absolute truth that few things set you apart as much as scintillating rest rooms. Sure, that looks odd at first reading. But give it a second’s thought. Now, don’t you agree?” – Tom Peters, The Pursuit of Wow!

In your business, don’t forget the bathrooms. Does your bathroom add to your brand or does it detract from your brand?

Bonus: For more on bathrooms, read the Bathroom Blogfest.

5 Responses

  1. Delighted to see that the Bathroom Blogfest still has legs. Stephanie and I and the team are probably going to go out with camera-phones at the ready again in October 2007. So you might even want to join us!

    Anyone who wants to read all the posts could check the tag: ladiesrooms

    I didn’t know Tom Peters had said this, but it’s a great quote!

    – Susan

  2. Susan,

    I very much enjoyed the Bathroom Blogfest (although I soon realized that I had to read it after I had visited the bathroom). I can’t wait until October!

    If anyone has not read the Bathroom Blogfest, please do so.

  3. Thanks for including us in your great blog. We are indeed planning another foray into the land of good and scary restrooms.

    Stephanie Weaver

  4. Come visit! I’ll be referring to this post in my next Bathroom Blogfest 2007 post.

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