Choose to change


We’ve all heard the word “change” tossed around a lot lately and we might see some of it come this Tuesday. The great thing about the word “change” is that it is a container word – a word we can fill with whatever meaning we’d like, be it positive or a negative.

Change can get us closer to our goals or move us further away. It can bring us together under a common purpose or drive insurmountable barriers between us. It represents action and movement in any direction we choose.

This post isn’t so much about politics as it is about choice. Change hates stagnation and does not tolerate indifference, but rather it forces us to choose. Change makes us move off the fence and land on one side or the other.

2009 is a time to choose to change – to have a career path full of meaning, a simpler life, an optimistic outlook – whatever you wish.

As Gandhi put it, it’s your time to “be the change you want to see in the world.”

How will you choose to change?

Happy Friday!

We don’t care about brand loyalty


No one takes the time to pause and reflect if they are loyal enough to you or your product. No one. Period. I’m sorry if this is news to you.

Consumers (myself included) are too selfish. What we do care about is our own desires. Our expectations. A way to fix our problems. That is what we think about.

We are loyal to our own stuff on the inside and sometimes we look for stuff on the outside that we think may help. But that is as far as it goes. Brand loyalty is dead (or better said, it never existed).

[And if you’re wondering, yes, we do think in Sans font.]

Happy Thursday all!

Flash of Insight: Calling shotgun

A flash of insightIn reality, your customers are driving your brand. The best you can do is “call” shotgun.

Dealing with a flood

Many mortgage companies and financial institutions are completely overwhelmed by the absolute flood of calls from people across the country who are worried about their financial future. As I see it, there are two main ways to handle a flood – One, focus on trying to make your barrier higher then the flood waters with the intention of diverting the flood elsewhere or two, focus on stopping the flood at the source.

Sadly, most stories I hear these days about mortgage companies and financial institutions involve trying to divert and keep customers at bay using company policies regurgitated by overworked and under informed representatives.

I think we’ll see many more floods this year ranging from shifts in consumer priorities and spending to business failures. How your company handles these floods will be crucial. Are you equipped to stop the flood or will you simply try to divert it elsewhere for others to clean up? Can you take any preventative steps now to tighten any weak spots?

Happy Tuesday!

Flash of Insight: Service

A flash of insightDon’t make your customers scream for ice cream or serve anything to a customer in a cone of silence.