Happy Festivus!

Here’s a little something I whipped up for Festivus. Happy Festivus 2008!


It makes a great gift

If you are wondering this Holiday season what to get a coworker who has everything…except for a clue about what a brand is (he still thinks it’s just a logo), then this may help.

It’s the new paradigm shifter!

Paradigm Shifter

Paradigm Shifter

It also makes a great gift for those who think that marketing means only sales or advertising. Hurry, operators are standing by!

Who would you like to see get this under the tree this year?

Happy Thursday everyone!

If only…

The scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz sang about it. Pablo Picasso has a great quote about it. The group Hason wrote a song about it (did I really just link to Hanson??).

“If only”…two words that are full of regret, wishful thinking, Monday morning quarterbacking and other heavy anchors only there to prevent us from opening our eyes to what we have and taking action.

Cut the “if only” ties that bind you by looking forward, being grateful and doing what is in your power (or better yet, create more power for yourself). I know I am working really hard on this.

Off topic rant: semi-professional rubberneckers

Every time traffic is backed up due to a minor fender bender, I come to the same conclusion – – we need to have a special, separate lane designated for those that feel compelled to gawk with wide-eyed stupidity at the dented doors and fallen fenders of a minor traffic accident so that the rest of us are not stuck in miles of backed up traffic.

I say let’s just give them some parking spaces on the side of the road where they can stop and take pictures. And while we’re at it, let’s throw in a roped off section where they can take up sides and debate the issue of who was truly at fault.

Just a thought. Now back to your regularly scheduled program…

Cruel to fool or rules the school?

What do you think?

Hat tip to Boing Boing

In case you ever need it

Fresh from my trip to Disneyland, these helpful hand washing tips from Brawny (sorry for the poor quality photo):

  1. Wet hands and apply soap.
  2. Scrub hands and rinse.
  3. Dry hands thoroughly using paper towels.

I always mix up the order, so thanks Brawny! I had to take a picture just in case I’m ever at a public restroom outside of Disneyland and I need a crash course in hand washing.

Happy Monday!

Another law

To every action there is an equal and opposite marketing campaign.

Signs of responsibility

sign.pngI took this picture just outside of the office. It has been up for two months and let me tell you, this busy road is really damaged. Here’s the thing:

Just because you put up a sign doesn’t mean you get to postpone action or shift responsibility.

Time out for a good cause

Take some time and watch this moving video:

If you’d like to make a difference, click here

8 random things for ‘08

I got tagged by Chris Wilson for the “8 Things You May Not Know About Me” meme. Since most of you know I like Seinfeld, I am going to use this show to help me out:

  1. I started watching Seinfeld only about 4 years ago.
  2. George Costanza on the telephone – “Oh, hello, Mr. Vandelay? Would you like to buy a computer? Oh, really? Two dozen?” I think I can beat George’s effort of trying to sell computers over the telephone. Many moons ago, I tried to sell light bulbs over the phone. As you can imagine, it was a very hard sell (don’t try that at home kids).
  3. “Would you believe when I was 18, I had a silver dollar collection?” – Frank Constanza. I also had a silver dollar collection growing up. My Grandma lives in Las Vegas and after visiting her each summer she would give us kids a silver dollar. (I knew we were a handful, but paying us to leave I always thought was a bit much :)).
  4. “Thick lustrous hair is very important to me.” – George Costanza (who is bald or “balding”). I have been blessed with thick, lustrous hair. In fact, I need to get it thinned when I get a haircut (I hope this continues).
  5. “You’re looking at the new Santa at Coleman’s Department store.” – Cosmo Kramer. I once played Santa at a private preschool. It was loads of fun and I felt like a rock star (but without the trashing of any hotel rooms).
  6. “I’ve never had a really good pickle.” – Jerry Seinfeld I love dill pickles – but not on sandwiches, only by themselves. Dill flavored potato chips are nice as well.
  7. Elaine Benes – “I feel like just going over there and taking some food off somebody’s plate.” Jerry Seinfeld – “I’ll tell you what, there’s 50 bucks in it for you if you do it.” Some time ago, someone bet me $5 that I could not eat a medium pizza in less than 5 minutes. I won and they paid up (but I paid for it later in the bathroom).
  8. “Why couldn’t you have made me an architect? You know I always wanted to pretend that I was an architect.” – George Constanza. I wanted to be an architect as well. I switched my major to marketing halfway through college. I never was good at Physics so I guess its best that I stay away from building anything that may fall down.

So there you have it, 8 things you probably didn’t know about me. (I just realized that 2 of my 8 things involve food – it must be lunchtime). Gotta run!