Caught on Google Maps Street View

If you want to waste some time, check out Google’s new feature called Street View. It uses Google Maps to get down to the street level (only in San Fransisco at this time). After only a few minutes of browsing, I spotted this kid in the picture below in a private moment (click to enlarge):

Caught on Google Street View

Here is the link, go check it out (you may need to click on the yellow street level man icon). Does this freak you out a little??

A reminder to check your company’s Google search results

Nino Ceritano, the owner of Ceritano’s Ristorante, blames an article in The Roanoke Times and Google for its recent lack of business.

According to an article in the The Roanoke Times, Nino Ceritano’s restaurant business had been going well. In fact, he had even expanded his restaurant by 80 seats. However, all of a sudden his business started to decline. Nino called in a restaurant consultant for help. The restaurant consultant could not find any answers for the sudden slow down in business. Nino Ceritano was puzzled. That was until a customer mentioned what they saw when they Googled “Ceritano’s Restaurant”.

According to the Roanoke Times article, “typing ‘Ceritano’s Restaurant’ into Google brought up [The Roanoke] Times articles about the fatal shooting of a sheriff’s deputy and a security guard as the top two listings. The restaurant was mentioned in coverage of the shootings because Michael Morva, brother of the accused killer William Morva, had been working at Ceritano’s. Michael Morva was arrested and charged with conspiring to help a prisoner escape, and police have said he helped his brother escape. Ceritano’s wife, Tina, told the Times that Michael Morva was a good worker.”

“What do you think when you put in a restaurant [in Google] and a killer comes up?” Nino Ceritano asks. I say that’s probably not good for business.

This is a reminder that it might be a good idea to check out from time to time the search results when you Google your company.