
Welcome to ÜberEye! Why ÜberEye you ask? It gives me a chance to express myself, improve my writing skills and to harness my German heritage. (Actually, I don’t know that much German besides “Ich habe lockiges haar” or “I have curly hair”… which I don’t, but that is all I can remember from my two years of high school German. And you say, “high school is a waste of time!” I think not!)

Any way, I’m Bill Gammell…it’s nice to meet you! For the last 6 years I have been working in Orem, Utah in the marketing department of a market research company. I have a BS in Marketing from the University of Utah (although I am a big fan of their rival, BYU -go figure!). Previously, I worked 4 years as a manager for a technical support department for a local ISP and in customer service positions for over 8 years.

I have a gorgeous wife and three adorable kids.

Stick around and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Drop me a line: billgammell [at] gmail [dot] com

4 Responses

  1. No comment on your AT&T post BUT oh you are dead on –check my post http://makehope.typepad.com/makehope/2007/01/oranges_and_app.html
    on this subject has Jobs lost his “think different” mind, really?

  2. Hi,

    I would like to become an advertiser on your site. I am looking to place a small text link ad. Do you allow those types of ads and if so would you be ok with a do-follow link?
    I usually ask for one line with just a few words. I prefer them at the top, middle, or bottom of the main content area of the site. However, I am sure we can work out placement.

    The keywords the ad would be targeting would be “link building” related. If you accept this type of advertising please let me know what you would charge me to place a link ad on your site. Feel free to call me if you have any questions


    Paul White
    Inventory Manager

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